Bollywood actor Shahrukh Khan and his star-packed Tempation 2005 team will perform here Sep 17 to raise funds for a yearlong nationwide campaign for India's 70 million
disabled people.
They are, however, yet to receive permission to perform at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium.
Bollywood actor Malaika Arora Khan announced Friday that Shah Rukh will perform for raising funds for the National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled
People's (NCPEDP) campaign "Barrier-free India".
The show will also feature stars like Rani Mukherjee, Fardeen Khan, Amisha Patel and Zayed Khan.
Malaika said: "I am here on behalf of my team members who could not make it to Delhi to kick-start Temptation 2005, and I am very excited about performing for a noble
cause like this. I hope the message will go across to people."
NCPEDP executive director Javed Abidi said: "We have written to the Sports Authority of India (SAI) about (the show) but they say Delhi's Chief Fire Officer (CFO) is has not
consented so far because the venue does not meet all fire-safety norms."
SAI says that 85 percent of the work on fire-safety have been completed and "we are fully prepared to host the show but only if the CFO permits".
Abidi said: "We have the Indira Gandhi Stadium as the last option, but we fear that since there are lesser number of seats there, the prices of tickets would go up."
Monday, September 05, 2005 16:50 IST