Actress Sunny Leone flew in to Jaipur to promote her upcoming film and interact with her fans. After a day full of events around the city, Sunny finally sat down with JT for a chat. The Indo-Canadian actress told us that her fan-following in India at times gives me nightmares. Sharing her fears about overnight stardom, Sunny said, "Anybody would be flattered to know that he or she is admired and loved by people. But, at times, it gives me nightmares. Recognition and fame comes with a huge responsibility. And I fear whether I would be able to maintain the stardom, whether I would be able to fulfil the expectations my fans have from me. The way my fan-following has increased in a short span of time scares me," said Sunny.
Sunny feels her upcoming film, Ragini MMS 2, will break new grounds in the genre of Bollywood horror films. "The way this film has been shot will set some new standards in the Indian market. American films are considered to be the best when it comes to horror. They still have the powerful lead but Ragini MMS 2 to a certain extent has tried to compete with them."
With many steamy scenes and a much-talked about kissing scene with co-actress Sandhya Mridul, the film has been creating a lot of buzz. But what Sunny seems to be most excited about is the climax of the movie. "People are talking about many things. But, for me, the most memorable was the climax, for which I worked very hard. I would say the climax of the film is insane. Shabbily dressed, with terror in my eyes and in a non-glamorous look, I got scared looking at my mirror image. I was amazed to see the way the scene has been shot."
When asked whether Sunny has had some spooky experiences in real life while filming the movie, Sunny replied, "I don't believe in ghosts even though horror is my favourite genre. But, I would like to admit that the sets of this film were quite scary. It was only a week after moving to a new flat in Mumbai that I started shooting for this film. My husband Daniel Moder was in the US at that time for some work and I was all alone. After coming home post shooting everyday, I used to check whether I have locked the doors properly or not, all the windows were closed or not.
Though nothing unusual happened, it gave birth to some kind of fear in me."
Having done three films so far, Sunny aspires to work with the Bollywood A-listers. Rumour had it that Salman Khan was looking to cast her in one of his films."Every actor would love to work with the Khans. But there is no truth in the rumour of Salman approaching me for any of his films. If it had been true, I would have been jumping with joy and happiness," said Sunny.
Thursday, March 13, 2014 12:51 IST