Mohit Raina, the star of Life OK's flagship show "Devon Ke Dev Mahadev", skipped a special Holi celebration party organised by the channel recently. His absence from the event raised many questions.
If a source is to be believed, the reason could lie in the fact that his off-screen lady love Mouni Roy's performance was scrapped from "Holi Hain...Life OK Hain", due to monetary issues.
Held in Saina Resort here, the event saw several TV actors in attendance. However, Mohit's absence was not expected.
Despite Mohit's absence, the party witnessed some crazy moments as Sushant Singh, Pratyusha Banerjee, Vibhav Roy, Parvati Sehgal, Gaurav Bajaj and Sukirti Kandpal walked the 'carpet of colour'.
The hosts of the event were comedian Bharti Singh and actor Karan Kundra. The showstopper was popular rapper Yo Yo Honey Singh.
The show will be aired on Life OK soon.
Thursday, March 13, 2014 13:11 IST