Veteran Hindi film actress Waheeda Rehman, all set to dazzle the silver screen as a grandmother in 'Brides Wanted', says she likes working with fresh talent.
Talking to reporters about her role, Waheeda said, ''It was fun and a refreshing experience to play the role of a loud and peppy grandmother.'' ''Keeping with the times has
helped me easily correlate with my onscreen character. Working with a bunch of fresh talent was what I liked the most. It was a dedicated and focused approach of the team
towards the making of the film,'' she added.
The movie is slated to hit the marquee next month. The 'Guide' actress will portray the character of a very lively and vibrant grandmother of her NRI grandson Anuj Sawhney,
helping him select a perfect matrimonial match.
Putting forward a progressive face, her character is a perfect example of the changing cultural values in Indian society, Waheeda explained.
A brainchild of director Girish Acharaya, the movie is being released under the banner of ''O2 Pix''. The movie strikes an equilibrium with its starcast, which has its share of
veteran actors as well as a host of fresh talent, the actress said.
The film, besides Waheeda and Sawhney, stars seasoned actor Girish Karnard and VJ-turned-actress Sarah Jane Dias.
As the title implies, the movie is based on the theme of marriage and the hunt for a perfect bride, says director Acharaya.
Swaahney is all set to take on the role of a NRI groom to be, who comes to India on a mission to select a prospective bride. An amusing turn of events puts him in a variety
of absurd and comical situations. Also playing a pivotal cameo in the movie will be versatile actor Karnard.
Sarah, the sultry VJ and model, will make her mark as groom's best friend who helps him in his bride hunt.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005 15:26 IST