Superstar Aamir Khan, has returned to the small screen with his popular TV show 'Satyamev Jayate'. He recently lodged a police complaint with Mumbai police in wake of defamatory campaign against him on a social networking site and was also criticized by certain group of people for misusing funds received from the show. However, reacting on the same the actor says that he is not hosting 'Satyamev Jayate 2' for free and that he takes money to do good work.
"I take money to host Satyamev Jayate as it's my job and I should be paid for it. I take money to do good work, I think I can take money and do bad work also but I choose not to so. Meri hamesha koshish rehti hai ki main paise bhi kamau kyunki woh meri mehnat ki kamayi hai... aur saath hi accha kaam bhi karoon as I have given my entire year to Satyamev Jayate. But if you will look at my total earning, I've actually earned less as compared to what I could have earned by doing Ads. I am currently not thinking from financial point of view when I think about Satyamev Jayate," says the actor who turned 49 today.
Aamir Khan, who is hosting the show for the second consecutive year feels that he has learnt a lot during the making of the show, "I've learnt a lot during the making of the show. I got a chance to meet some fabulous people from different parts of India. I am enriched," concludes the actor.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014 13:01 IST