Deepika Padukone has been finalised for Karan Malhotra's 'Shuddhi'. After finishing 'Happy New Year', she moves on to Imtiaz Ali's next with Ranbir, post which she would be shooting Shoojit Sircar's 'Piku'. She then moves on to shooting 'Shuddhi', a period reincarnation love story that is expected to go on the floor end of the year.
The film was to initially star Hrithik Roshan and Kareena Kapoor, but post Hrithik's decision to opt out of the film for personal reasons, the casting had to be re-considered. While Deepika stands confirmed, options for the male lead are still under discussion. We eagerly await Karan Johar's announcement on the same. Filmdom observers reveal that Ranveer Singh has been finalised for the lead role.
Thursday, March 20, 2014 13:04 IST