Produced by Atul and presented by Salman Khan, the film revolves around Prantabh Pratap and Anand Ishvaram Devadutt Subramanium who are journalists doing regular stories, facing ordinary pressures of life when a quirky turn of events changes their lives.
According to sources, the character played by Anupam Kher in the film is based on CWG's former organising committee chairman Suresh Kalmadi, who was accused of irregularities in the preparations for the 2010 Games.
When asked, director Umesh Bist said, "The film is inspired by real life events but I would not like to reveal anything as of now." The film, starring Pulkit Samrat and Bilal Amrohi, is a comedy with funny take on a lot of real life events. It is slated to release on 28 March.