Aspiring Bollywood actress Preeti Jain, arrested for allegedly conspiring to kill "Page 3" director Madhur Bhandarkar, was remanded in police custody till Sep 16. She was produced before the Mazgaon metropolitan magistrate on Sunday.
Mumbai Police interrogated her for more than five hours earlier in the day. The Agripada police have recovered three personal diaries from Preeti Jain which allegedly contains the vital clues about the financial transaction between her and Gawli aide Naresh Pardeshi.
However Jain's lawyers claimed that as Gawli is a member of the state legislative assembly, she had only urged him to raise the issue of her alleged rape by Bhandarkar last year.
But Police told the court that the diaries, recovered from Preeti's residence in Ganga Jamuna building at Versova, revealed Pardeshi's mobile number and codes which indicated that Rs 30,000 was paid to him in two instalments. Pardeshi used the money to lease a flat in central Mumbai, the police said.
Code words used in the diary ‘N5' and ‘N25' can be interpreted as money paid to Pardeshi for carrying out the crime, the police said.
The police also revealsed that they had records to prove that Preeti had spoken to Pardeshi 22 times over the phone. The actress denied this, stating that she had telephoned Pardeshi only on three occasions. During a search of her flat, the police also recovered 14 CDs, two floppy disks and a burkha.
Model-turned-actress Jain had accused Bhandarkar of sexually exploiting her a year ago.
She had allegedly paid Rs.70,000 as partial payment for eliminating Bhandarkar.
However, Gawli told reporters here that Jain had approached him for help, but he had asked her to approach the police.
"Preeti Jain came to meet me and said that somebody had taken Rs.50,000 from her and was not even answering her phone calls," said Gawli, leader of the Akhil Bharatiya Sena.
Apparently, the matter came to light when another member of a crime syndicate tipped off the police.
Monday, September 12, 2005 11:27 IST