Pooja Bhatt has landed in yet another controversy. On Saturday (March 22), a woman came to Pooja Bhatt's house claiming to be sent by her alleged casting agent by the name of Rajeev Malhotra.
Pooja Bhatt revealed on Twitter, `A young lady and Bollywood hopeful arrived at my house at 5.30 AM saying a certain Rajeev Malhotra who claims to be my casting agent sent her.`
Pooja Bhatt also insisted that the woman insisted she spoke to her and contacted her through Facebook. Pooja Bhatt says, `She went on to insist she also 'spoke to me' on Facebook and I confirmed the same. This is dangerous as obviously, someone is masquerading as me on Facebook.`
However, Pooja Bhaat dispelled the rumour saying that she has no casting agent. Pooja tweeted, `No agent or coordinator represents me. This man claiming to be 'Rajeev Malhotra-9667882304′ is attempting to use my name and mislead young women.`
Pooja added, `More than 50 per cent of the co-coordinators out there have no access to people who actually launch stars. They lie to young aspirants and exploit them.`
A concerned Pooja Bhatt asked the Bollywood aspirant to be careful saying, `It concerns me that innocents, with stars in their eyes will be taken advantage of by sharks who scour the shallow waters of fame for a kill.`
Pooja Bhatt further gave her contact in case an aspirant wants to work with her, `Clarifying again that no casting agents represent me. If you do wish to work with me contact me directly at opportunities@fisheyenetwork.com.`
A few months ago Akshay Kumar too had faced similar problems when a group started offering false job offers with Akshay Kumar in his films.
Akshay too, took to the social media to clarify his stand. Akshay Kumar had said on Twitter, `Heard some upsetting news... some members of my `FAN CLUB` have been misleading some fans and duping them of money with false promises of landing an assistant directors job on my films... Please don't be naive and don't give away your hard earned money to crooks.`
Saturday, March 22, 2014 12:22 IST