Model-turned-actress Preeti Jain, arrested on charges of allegedly paying contract money to kill director Madhur Bhandarkar, and Naresh Pardesi, the killer allegedly hired for the job, were Tuesday flown to Bangalore for lie detection tests.
Jain, 30, was arrested Saturday on charges of trying to hire a contract killer through underworld don-turned-legislator Arun Gawli to kill Bhandarkar.
Mumbai Police sources said Jain would be subjected to narco-analysis, brain mapping and a polygraph, or lie detection test, along with Pardesi at the State Forensic Science Laboratory in Bangalore.
Jain, who had accused Bhandarkar of sexually exploiting her a year ago, is accused of paying Rs.70,000 to Pardesi, 25, an alleged aide of Gawli.
According to Jain's lawyer, since Gawli is a member of the state legislative assembly, the actor had only urged him to raise the issue of her alleged rape by Bhandarkar last year.
The matter apparently came to light when a member of a crime syndicate tipped off the police.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005 16:41 IST