The son and father spoke about personal moments together and even had a gala time with the cast and crew. Kapil took Jeetuji down the memory lane by displaying a few of his old memories in the form of pictures for the veteran actor. Jeetuji and Tusshar revealed quite a few of their personal moments, in and out of the film industry.
Thursday, March 27, 2014 13:10 IST
The father-son duo Tusshar and Jeetuji visited Comedy Nights With Kapil yesterday. The living legend looked delighted to finally be on the show and even paid an offline compliment to Kapil saying that he is `too good`! Jeetuji opened up about his journey, not only in the film industry but also with his wife Shobha.
The son and father spoke about personal moments together and even had a gala time with the cast and crew. Kapil took Jeetuji down the memory lane by displaying a few of his old memories in the form of pictures for the veteran actor. Jeetuji and Tusshar revealed quite a few of their personal moments, in and out of the film industry.
The son and father spoke about personal moments together and even had a gala time with the cast and crew. Kapil took Jeetuji down the memory lane by displaying a few of his old memories in the form of pictures for the veteran actor. Jeetuji and Tusshar revealed quite a few of their personal moments, in and out of the film industry.