Actress Pooja Bhatt has moved a sessions court urging dismissal of a complaint filed before a lower court which prayed for a ban on posters of her film Rog alleging that
they were obscene.
Bhatt, in her revision application, also urged the court to quash the summons issued by the Borivali magistrate against her.
Her plea would be heard tomorrow by judge S J shah, defence lawyers Parvez Memon and Majeed Memon told.
The complainant had pleaded that the posters of the film were in bad taste and obscene and hence they should be banned.
Hearing the complaint, the Borivali magistrate issued process against Pooja.
Challenging the lower court order, Pooja has pointed certain technical lapses to show that the complaint was not justified and should be dismissed.
She argued that it was a private complaint and the magistrate should not have issued process against her.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005 16:55 IST