Aspiring actress and model Preeti Jain, who was arrested by the city police for her alleged involvement in a conspiracy to kill film producer Madhur Bhandarkar, has been admitted to state-run J J Hospital as she complained of chest pain and breathlessness on Wednesday.
Hospital sources confirmed that Preeti was admitted in the hospital at around 11:00 p.m. on Wednesday night and later shifted to intensive care unit for observation as she complained of chest pain and breathlessness.
She had undergone all the cardiological tests and, due to some changes in ECG, was later shifted to the ICU ward for 24-hrs observation, the sources added.
Preeti was arrested on Saturday on the charge of paying money to Naresh Pardesi, an aide of gangster-turned-politician Arun Gawli, to kill film director Madhur Bhandarkar.
In July last year, she alleged that he had raped her 16 times under the pretext of offering a lead role in his movie.
Thursday, September 15, 2005 17:12 IST