Theatre actor Imran Zahid who last year took Mahesh Bhatt's most influential work Arth on stage is all set to take another one of Bhatt's celebrated works to stage.
This time Imran has chosen Daddy, Mahesh Bhatt's 1989 auto-biographical film in which Anupam Kher played an alcoholic father battling his demons and hs daughter's distrust.
The film marked the acting debut of Mahesh Bhatt's eldest daughter Pooja Bhatt.
While Imran Zahid would play Kher's role the hunt is on for a suitable girl in the daughter's role.
Imran is currently auditioning girls from Delhi University to play Pooja Bhatt's part.
Says the actor, `It isn't easy to get into Mahesh Bhatt Saab's soul or to find an actress who would feel Pooja Bhatt's anguish on stage. But we succeeded beyond our hopes with Arth. Hopefully we would have a winner this time too.`
Adds Mahesh Bhatt, `Imran Zahid is on a high after tasting the success of Arth The Play. Daddy is a tough screenplay to adapt as a stage play. But Imran has the resolve the hit bull's eye.`
Daddy The Play goes on stage on 21 June.
Tuesday, April 01, 2014 12:41 IST