Recently, in the spirit of April fool's day, the uber cool Sid Mallya pranked his fans by claiming his nomination in the upcoming elections. The young and stylish Mallya scion took to the online platform to share this news with all his fans. The response received was hilarious, to say the least, with many actually believing it.
Following the unprecedented reaction of the audiences to his popular online IPL show, Sid now plans to make his debut in Hollywood, and has shifted base to Los Angeles for the same. A loyal sports enthusiast, Sid keeps himself fit with rigorous training and a strict diet. Striving to be the best in all his endeavours, he has been busy learning the finer nuances of acting while attending a course with one of the top comedy coaches in America, Lesly Kahn. A self assured personality, Sid was also recently selected as a part of the top 20 contestants in ABC's prestigious show Talent Showcase, beating 8,500 other applicants to secure a place in the show's top 20.
One can certainly look forward to Sid's antics on-screen, in the near future.
Thursday, April 10, 2014 14:34 IST