In a sensational twist to the Preeti Jain-Madhur Bhandarkar case. The aspiring actress has been accused of handing out a contract to kill Bollywood director Bhandarkar.
According to NDTV Bhandarkar had paid former don Arun Gawli a sum of Rs 50,000 to trap Preeti and expose her to the police.
This was after she approached the former don with a contract to kill the Bhandarkar. Naresh Pardeshi, co-accused with Preeti, revealed this during narco-analysis tests
carried out on him in Bangalore last week.
Sources said that Preeti has admitted to paying Rs 70,000 to Pardeshi to murder Bhandarkar. In a related development, the aspiring actress appeared in court on
But a routine appearance acquired an interesting turn after the police told the court the results of the lie detector and brain mapping tests conducted on her.
"Brain mapping and the lie detector tests have shown us that she was lying," said V U Mule, Public Prosecutor.
Sources say that during the tests conducted in Bangalore last week Preeti was questioned about her relationship with Bhandarkar and why she had allegedly handing out a
contract to kill him.
The answers when compared to her previous statements showed that she was lying.
"The entire report has not been handed in, so it is not fair to jump to conclusions. They are just targetting the small fry here," said Nilesh Pavasker, Preeti's lawyer.
Following this, the court has extended Preeti's police custody till September 23.
Thursday, September 22, 2005 17:19 IST