Bollywood diva Sushmita Sen will show her performance in Kapil Sharma's hit comic show. The episode seems to be packed with fun, excitement and surprises. Reports Times of India.
The former Miss Universe, who has been away from the limelight from the past 3 years was not only at her comic best but was also seen doing some aerial acts on the show. Sushmita was seen having some fun, flirtatious moments with Mr. Sharma. However, unlike other Bollywood stars who come on Comedy Nights with Kapil to promote their films, Sushmita was seen promoting her fitness studio 'Inhale'. The actress, who has a graceful and curvaceous body promoted her fitness studio that dives into a special form of exercise called 'Aerial Silk'.
Well, we are eagerly waiting to see the beauty queen mesmerize the audience with her magical moves.
Wednesday, April 16, 2014 12:21 IST