British Asian stars Meera Syal and Sanjeev Bhaskar, best known for the TV serials "Goodness Gracious Me" and "The Kumars at No.42", are expecting their first child in
early December.
Bhaskar, 41, and Syal, 44, married in January. Over the years, the comedy duo has played each other's parents, grandparents, lovers and enemies.
Syal told Eastern Eye, a leading British Asian weekly: "Obviously we're both delighted, babies are wonderful gifts and both our families are walking about with big grins on
their faces."
Syal, who has a 12-year-old daughter Chameli from her first marriage, said: "At least this proves we're pukka desis as well - marriage, house and baby all in the first year,
After working together for over a decade in various TV programmes and films, romance blossomed during a promotional trip for Syal's film "Anita and Me" to Australia in
Monday, September 26, 2005 16:01 IST