While it was raining outside it poured drinks and music at actor Vikram Acharya's B'day bash on Thursday nite. Unlike any other starry nite Rock Bottom, Juhu saw a string
of guests pouring in to wish this Dil Kya Chahta Hai star.
Amongst the gusts were, the Bengali bombshell Rituparna Sengupta, Sharad Kapoor , Rohit Roy, Mansi Joshi Roy, Hiten Paintal, Kishwar, Sudhanshu Pandey with his wife
Mona, Mandira Bedi, Samir Soni, Gaurav Chopra, Narayni Shastri, Kamya Punjabi, Pawan Shankar, Rajiv and Delnaz paul, Rajiv Kattar, Vandani Sanjnanai, Soniya Kapoor,
Rushad Rana and Shubhvi, Amit Verma, Simple Kaur, Hiten Tejwani, Abhinav Kashyap and Saket Chowdhary.
Host Vikram Acharya made sure all his guests were well tanked up.
The stars let their hair down and had a blast on the dance floor...
Well sounds like quite a rocking bash!
Hope Vikram ka Dil Yahi Chahta Hai...
Monday, September 26, 2005 16:05 IST