Suniel Shetty and Ashu Trikha, the director of the upcoming film, 'Koyelaanchal', have cancelled their promotional tour to Jaipur on account of elections in the city. The duo was scheduled to travel to the Pink City on April 24.
`It was a mutual decision and we have now planned our promotional schedule around the elections. If we go to a city on the day of voting, some people may not be able to vote. Similarly, we were supposed to go to Pune on Thursday, but we cancelled the trip and will now visit the city today after their elections,` says Trikha.
Vinod Khanna is part of the film's cast, but he has promoted the film as he is contesting elections from Gurdaspur. The director states, `Vinodji had already informed us about not being able to promote the film during elections and we have no issues with it.`
Saturday, April 19, 2014 14:03 IST