Bollywood's favourite punching bag Amisha Patel has just turned professionally wiser. Known for her heated bouts with other leading ladies, Amisha today has no issues even sharing the screen with them.
"I keep my personal differences away from my professional life," she tells.
"I had worked with Karisma in Mere Jeevan Sathi and not even once my relationship with Kareena came in way at any time. I am not the kind of person who carries his or her differences to work. This is not how good professional behave," she adds.
Amisha is currently going through a lean phase and fully acknowledges it too.
According to her: "I agree I am not having a very good time these days. Lady Luck may not be smiling upon me at present, but it won't be the same forever. Things are sure to change and I will have my day under the sun. I have been a gold medallist as a student and am determined to do just as well in the film industry. I won't stop acting till I see a future for myself."
Friday, September 30, 2005 15:39 IST