Vijay Raaz was recently spotted promoting his directorial-debut 'Kya Dilli Kya Lahore' along with actor Rajendranath Zutshi in Mumbai.
Speaking about the movie, the actor said that his new flick talks about love, friendship and humanity. "It's about a soldier but soldier can also talk about love.
It's just the setting of the film and since it's about a soldier so it becomes a little different also because we consider soldiers to be hard core but that's the beauty of the film as the people who we think have a rock heart and can only fire when they talk about love the message comes across very differently," Raaz said.
Zutshi, who plays a lead role in the film, said, "This film is an effort to bridge the gap and spread love. There is no hatred in the film it's all about love." The movie is produced by Karan Arora and is scheduled to hit the theatres on 2nd May.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014 13:46 IST