The video of the unique title track of the upcoming Bollywood movie `Fugly, `Yeh Fugly Fugly Kya Hai` is now live, finally answering the question which has had movie buffs puzzled. This vibrant, energetic song features superstars Akshay Kumar and Salman Khan, along with the cast of the movie Mohit Marwah, Vijender Singh, Kiara Advani and Arfi Lamba.
Answering the question with lyrics like `377 Hatna` and `Har daftar Mein Couch`, the foot-thumping song brings forth several contemporary social `fugly` issues. The camaraderie between the co-actors is palpable, while the cameos by Salman Khan and Akshay Kumar are impeccable. The Fugly Title Track is all set to engross listeners and urge them to groove to its beats. The uninhibited dance moves are perfectly choreographed by Mudassar Khan. This lively song has been composed, written and belted by renowned Indian rapper, Yo Yo Honey Singh.
`Fugly` stars Mohit Marwah, Kiara Advani, Vijender Singh, Arfi Lamba and Jimmy Sheirgill. Directed by Kabir Sadanand and produced by Grazing Goat Pictures, the movie is slated for release on 13th June, 2014.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014 14:35 IST