Filmmaker Amol Gupte has launched Anuj Sachdeva in Bollywood with his forthcoming film `Hawaa Hawaai` and he says the TV actor is `mature`.
Anuj reportedly plays a parallel lead as Saqib Saleem's elder brother in the film.
"The biggest surprise in 'Hawaa Hawaai' is Anuj Sachdeva! What an actor! So mature! So effective as Bugs! I couldn't have got a better Bugs! Everybody's asking me who's Bugs? What a performance,` Gupte said in a statement.
Anuj, who has become a rage in Punjab with his super hit Punjabi film called `Haani`, also liked the script of the film.
`Amol sir's conviction for the film and the extremely well written script just made 'Hawaa Hawaai' a film which I couldn't turn down. The character I am sure will connect well with the audiences,` said Anuj.
Friday, May 09, 2014 11:22 IST