Actress Kajol was Friday honoured with the Mighty Mom award by the makers of forthcoming animation movie "Mighty Raju Rio Calling". But for the "Fanaa" actress, every mother is a mighty mom.
Directed by Rajiv Chilaka, "Mighty Raju Rio Calling" is an Indian animated series of films aimed at young children, focusing on the adventures of Raju, a four-year-old boy in the city of Aryanagar. The film comes from Green Gold Animation, the makers of Chhota Bheem.
"I believe every mother is a mighty mother, every mother goes through hell dealing with kids. All the mothers are doing a fabulous job," Kajol told reporters at the trailer launch of "Mighty Raju Rio Calling".
The music of "Mighty Raju Rio Calling" was also showcased at the event.
"I don't know if I am a mighty mother or not, but yes, I have always maintained that my children are my foremost priority and responsibility. As for Green Gold, I would like to thank the team for naming me mighty mom," said Kajol.
The film is slated for a May 16 release.
When it comes to watching TV, the actress, who has two children - daughter Nysa and son Yug, hardly gets time to catch any show.
She said: "My son is a big fan of Chhota Bheem and I know it's okay to watch this. I don't get to watch TV because most of the time they are watching it."
Saturday, May 10, 2014 14:19 IST