Chandni Bhagwanani won hearts of of the audiences with her simple girl-next-door look in 'Amita Ka Amit'. The bubbly actress is all set to make her come back on small screen with another show 'Jhalli Anjali Ke Tootey Dil Ki Amazing Story'.
"I relate to my onscreen character Anjali a lot. We don't care about the world, we are just ourselves. Like Anjali, I would rather wear a jeans and a kurti in a party, rather than wearing a one-piece that everybody nowadays wear," says Chandni.
On choosing such role she says, "After playing Amita in 'Amita Ka Amit', I wanted to do something different, the role which is of my age. So when they shortlisted me I immediately accepted. My last show was about a girl who gets married and how she adjust her life after that. In 'Jhalli Amita...' I am playing a girl of my age, who goes to college, falls in love and discovers herself after break up. "
The actress also adds, "It's a youth based show and we are going to tell the story from a girl's point of view of what happens after breakup. It's a story about an Ambala-based girl Anjali, whose world revolves around a guy. Then he left her heartbroken, after which she begins an amazing journey of self-discovery."
So like Anjali is she also a 'Jhalli'? Chandni laughs and says, "No. Well 'Jhalli' does not mean she is mad. She just think in a different way. She is not like those typical girls who talk about nail paints."
Monday, May 12, 2014 13:53 IST