Green Gold Animation, the creators of Mighty Raju & Chhota Bheem have launched exclusive merchandise for the upcoming animation film `Mighty Raju Rio Calling`. The list of Mighty Raju merchandise includes Roller Skates with Protective Equipments, Caps, Foil Balloon, Football, Finger Football game, T-shirts for all age groups, Might Raju Action Figure, Mighty Raju Costume, Cushions, Face Mask, Book Label, Stickers, Tattoos and many more.
With the movie promotions at its peak this week, there has been a great demand for this merchandise across India. Customers, who have still to get their fill, can buy these exclusive merchandise at and also at official Green Gold Stores, across 14 cities in India including one at the Mumbai Domestic Airport, Terminal 2.
Mighty Raju is an Indian animated series of films aimed at young children, focusing on the adventures of Raju, a 4 year old boy in the city of Aryanagar. The film comes from the makers of Chhota Bheem, Green Gold Animation.
Green Gold Animation is well known for their original Indian Animated Content and it is also the only Indian company to diversify itself into Licensing & Merchandising, Digital Media, Theatrical movie production, Branded stores and Distribution. It has been a pioneer in creating wholesome entertainment for kids of all ages and is known for its hugely popular and path breaking original content.
Thursday, May 15, 2014 14:47 IST