A tennis champion turned Bollywood actor. For any Indian movie-geek this description could well be for Aamir Khan who was a state-level tennis player debuting his first Hindi film Holi. But Navdip Singh now joins him in the club.
A former national tennis champion Navdip Singh debuted as an actor in Khwaabb last week. Navdip however clarifies that acting is not something that just happened to him, like it has to few other sporting talents. Rather he has been an actor throughout his life. 'The passion ignited because I found myself at a very young age, that whenever I watched any of my favorite films, I didn't only enjoy watching the story but I envisioned my self into the scene hence I wanted to be a part of that world inside the big screen and not only witness it & I don't think that has changed about me. So In a nutshell - I'm passionate about actors, cinema & the craft itself,' says Navdip as he gets set for his Bollywood debut. He in fact has an extensive theater background and has even completed an advanced level acting course with Barry John, where he trained alongside Arjun Kapoor and Varun Dhawan. The three went on to score highest grade in the class - a cut above the rest.
What more Aamir's close friend Salman Khan has come out in praise for this young lad. ''He runs very fast & has acted well also,' he said at a recent event when he was present to promote the film.
Tennis however continues to be a hobby that he pursues. ''My most memorable Tennis moment I would say is when I became the All India Tennis under 18 national champion in 2004 which gave me opportunities to play internationally and travel the world which I absolutely love,'' he says while adding that he would love to play with Aamir someday. ''Tennis is an incredible sport & I think it's fantastic that he (Aamir)used to play and still keeps that passion alive. May be we'll knock a few balls one day.'' We can only hope his wishes come true.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014 16:32 IST