Actress Shubhangi Latkar, currently seen in Do Dil Bandhe Ek Dori Se, was last seen on the big screen in Aashiqui 2 as Shardha Kapoor's mother. The actress received accolades for her performance in the film and the latest buzz is that she has been signed on for Singham 2.
Source confirms,`Shubhangi will be seen playing Kareena's mother in the film. She fit the role to the tee and in fact the makers loved the actress's work in Aashiqui 2 and didn't think twice fore calling her for this film. Shubhangi will be seen playing a Maharastrian mother to the beautiful Kareena in this action-comedy film.`
When we contacted Shubhangi she said, `Yes I will start shooting for Singham 2 very soon. I am looking forward to it as I had loved the first film and it's a privilege to be a part of the sequel.` Shubhangi may have started her career as Shaktimaan's mother but it looks like she will continue playing an elegant mother to all of our Bollywood beauties.
Thursday, May 22, 2014 14:22 IST