'Mighty Raju Rio Calling', the 3rd in the line of theatrical releases by Green Gold Animation has been running successfully across India in all the major cinemas. The renowned Bollywood actress Kajol loved the movie and gave it a 4 star rating. The audience has been flocking to the theatres to watch the movie.
Keeping this in mind, Green Gold Licensing & Merchandising have launched exclusive merchandise for the movie. These are available at the Green Gold stores and on their online website as well. The merchandise includes Mighty Raju Football, school accessories, T-shirts, Dresses, DVDs, Comic Books, Toys, Personal care items, and Mighty Raju costume amongst many more.
The Mighty Raju costume is a favorite amongst the kids, with over 100 SKU's available on the online stores. Trusted by parents for its quality assurance, Green Gold Online Store has become the 'one-of-its-kind' exclusive online stores that provide products themed on their kids favourite super heroes - Mighty Raju & Chhota Bheem.
Apart from the online shop, Green Gold is making its presence felt across various social media platforms. The Green Gold YouTube Channel has more than 54,000 active users who have subscribed to the channel and has received more than 3 Million hits on monthly basis. They also have a massive 260k plus followers on their Facebook page. Through these digital initiatives, there has been a rapid increase in the popularity of their leading shows - Chhota Bheem & Mighty Raju.
Greengoldstore.com is the best place to find any new product much earlier than the other shops. It is easy to use and accessible all throughout the year with a trust worthy delivery mechanism. Green Gold Online Store makes the online shopping experience simple and memorable.
Green Gold has been a pioneer in creating wholesome entertainment for kids of all ages and is known for its hugely popular & path breaking original content. The popularity of the characters has transcended over the years and it helped the company to establish itself as a leading player in Licensing & Merchandising, Digital Business, Branded Stores, and Events et al.
Thursday, May 22, 2014 14:34 IST