Actor Ayushmann Khurrana's upcoming project, a biopic on popular Maharashtrian scientist Shivkar Bapuji Talpade, has been retitled from 'Bambai Fairytale' to 'Hawaaizaada'.
Ayushmann is donning the role of Bapuji Talpade, who is said to have constructed and flew India's first unmanned airplane in 1895, in the film. Actress Pallavi Sharda is paired opposite him and is playing a tamasha dancer.
"Glimpse of Ayushmann Khurrana in his vintage Shivkar Talpade avatar for our upcoming film 'Hawaaizaada'.. Releasing Oct 10!," Pallavi posted on Twitter along with a still from the movie. Directed by debut filmmaker Vibhu Puri, the film is based on 1880's Mumbai and is currently in the post-production stage.
Friday, May 23, 2014 12:32 IST