Model-actor Rajniesh Duggal won the fifth season of stunt-based reality show "Khatron Ke Khiladi Season Five" at the finale Sunday. He took home prize money of Rs.25 lakh and a Mahindra Scorpio SUV.
The actor, who feared lizards and snakes the most, left behind all the other contestants in the reality show hosted by filmmaker Rohit Shetty, and was rewarded a trophy by Bollywood star Ajay Devgn in the finale episode.
"When our journey was about to begin, all the contestants were told to fill a form where they had to pen down their fears in a column. I was scared of lizards and snakes the most. The show put me against crocodiles and snakes. The show helped me overcome my fear of crocodiles and snakes," Rajniesh told IANS.
The first episode of "Khatron Ke Khiladi Season Five" went on air March 22 on Colors.
Monday, May 26, 2014 14:23 IST