In a unique twist, A.R. Rahman`s popular track "Humma humma" from the 1995 film "Bombay" has been recreated using a range of kitchen appliances for an marketing campaign.
As part of electronic brand Havell`s marketing campaign `Respect for Women`, Culture Machine has created a bricolage song along with artist Vasudha Sharma and percussionist Sarthak Mudgal. Culture Machine is a platform that offers digital video entertainment for the internet generation.
The duo has created a unique blend of the classic hit and mixed it with the beats from the appliances, courtesy Havells.
"We found that content featuring popular Youtubers doing songs using everyday appliances was a format that resonated very well with the target audience, leading us to create that with our network`s talent," Sameer Pitalwalla, co-founder, Culture Machine, said in a statement.
The idea was to spread awareness that a women`s place is not in the kitchen alone, but it is wherever she wants to be and she could do whatever she wishes to.
Thursday, May 29, 2014 14:30 IST