South Korea has become the new destination for Bollywood with Mahesh Bhatt shooting for his new
film Gangster - A Love Story in Seoul.
South Korea, known for its distinct locales and vistas will provide an idyllic realm of cosmopolitan
culture and traditions to the viewers.
Being the first director to explore South Korea as a destination, Bhatt said, "we are delighted to be
the first to shoot in Seoul particularly because the South Korean film industry has become a
formidable force in the world entertainment arena. We have a lot to learn from our Asian brothers
rather than from the West.
The Korean Tourism Organisation is equally excited about the project.
"We are honoured that Mahesh Bhatt has chosen to join with us to shoot his film in Korea. The
Korean Tourism Organisation is looking forward to treating the Indian viewers to the most entertaining
movie ever filmed in Seoul," director, Korean Tourism Organisation, Jeon Hyo Sik said. Imran
Hashmi will play the lead role in the film.
Thursday, October 27, 2005 15:33 IST