Superstar Shah Rukh Khan, whose Indian Premier League (IPL) franchise Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) won the qualifier one match at the Eden Gardens to enter the finals, enjoyed gorging on fish fry with West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee here.
The actor visited Banerjee's residence post the victory celebrations here Wednesday.
"My KKR how beautiful were they tonight. Fish fry with Mamata Di, ride along the Kolkata roads with all celebrating," Shah Rukh posted on his Twitter page Wednesday.
Mamata too congratulated Shah Rukh for KKR's victory.
"KKR got a splendid victory. Congratulations to team KKR. Wish them all the best for the final," Banerjee said on her official Facebook page Wednesday.
"After the match, Shah Rukh came to my residence. It was really a very nice moment. My best wishes to Shah Rukh and his family members," she said.
Friday, May 30, 2014 12:58 IST