Ranveer Singh and Priyanka Chopra are busy shooting for Zoya Akhtar's Dil Dhadakne Do. However the duo seem to share a cold vibe on the sets. According to a DNA report, Ranveer and Priyana ignore each other as soon as Zoya says 'cut'.
This comes as the surprise as Ranveer and Piggy Chops have played lovers in Gunday and were promoting the film with great enthusiasm. While everyone saw their positive rapport, there is more to it. The report further stated that a tiff took place between Ranveer and Zoya during an event, when Ranveer blew a kiss to PC, which she didnt approve as, she is his senior in the industry.
Reportedly Priyanka rebuffed her co-star who decided to never work with Ranveer again. And now it seems that the old memories are back to haunt the duo.
Saturday, June 07, 2014 14:58 IST