Singer-composer Raju Singh and director Mohit Suri came together for the background session of their upcoming film Ek Villain at Raju Singh's studio at his Juhu bungalow, Sangeet.
The friendship of this duo extends to the time when they came together with Mohit Suri's first film Zeher. As a 22-year-old, young Mohit looked up to Raju Singh for his never-say-die atttitude, while Raju looked up to Mohit for his ability to bring to the fore the intricacies of relationships. "Mohit amazed me with his understanding fo relationships as a young man. What he could bring on screen, not many can even after years.," says Raju, humming tune while playing the piano with Mohit adding his thoughts.
In Ek Villain, the background holds a very important part as it is the love story of a villain and one needs to keep the darkness in the romance element as well," reveals Raju Singh. Something that Mohit agrees in entirety.
Adds Mohit, "there have been days when we have worked till 3am and got back at 4.30 with renewed spirit. At a stage when the film is almost complete, a director feels alone because most of them have finished their share of work on the film. ti is in such time that Raju stands by me and is there with me working on every small thing to give it our best. Once a film is made, it is up to the world to look at it and give their thoughts. But before that, it is ours and we need to give it our best. It is this spirit I have learnt from him."
Over junk food and hot chai, the background session went on and at the two got into their film mode totally, leaving us behind, we bid them adieu...
Saturday, June 07, 2014 14:58 IST