Its picture perfect moment at the muhurat of Khamoshiyan as 23-year-old debutant director Karan Dara faced the camera with Mohit Suri who he has assisted in the past. Mohit was flanked by his mentor Vikram Bhatt, who in turn was standing by the side of his `guru' Mahesh Bhatt.
Still basking in the glory of these bright young talents Bhatt says, `I've always believed in the maxim that a true leader creates more leaders and not followers. My idea of cinema was intensely personal and autobiographical while Vikram uses story telling skills and the cinematic skills of the digital age to light up his cinema and Mohit is extraordinary with love stories and music. It takes a while to break away from the mentor but both my nephews have done that to find their own voice. I'm sure Karan will too.`
Khamoshiyan is an erotic love triangle revolving around a writer adrift in the icy slopes of Kashmir where he discovers a woman with a strange, silent past.
The film marks the big screen debut of TV actor Gurmeet Choudhary. It also stars Ali Fazal and Sapna Pabbi. `With a recipe of great music, state-of-art digital effects and a love story that brings back the intrigue of Mahal, it will repackage and raise the bar for the horror genre in Bollywood,` promises Bhatt.
Produced by Fox Star Studios and Vishesh Films, Khamoshiyan will open on May 1, 2015.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014 14:43 IST