Added a source present on the sets, "Lavina spotted Salman and struck up a conversation. Seeing her, other unit members also gathered courage and turned up outside his vanity van for a photo-op with the superstar."
Monday, June 16, 2014 15:44 IST
Wondering who's the pretty girl hanging out with the star? Well, she is Lavina Tandon of the television show, Jodha Akbar fame. Mirror has learnt that Lavina is a crazy fan of the actor and when she learnt that Salman was shooting in the studio next door, she decided to fulfil her fan-girl moment by crashing the film's set along with her pet Chihuahua.
Added a source present on the sets, "Lavina spotted Salman and struck up a conversation. Seeing her, other unit members also gathered courage and turned up outside his vanity van for a photo-op with the superstar."
Added a source present on the sets, "Lavina spotted Salman and struck up a conversation. Seeing her, other unit members also gathered courage and turned up outside his vanity van for a photo-op with the superstar."