India's Health Ministry wants chain-smoking Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan to become the
face of its campaign to snuff out the habit.
Khan pledged to quit smoking on Nov. 2, his 40th birthday, the BBC reported Tuesday.
The actor who was rarely seen without a cigarette in his hand or mouth, has been asked by Health
Minister Ambumani Ramadoss to join efforts to get others to kick the habit.
Ramadoss sent a letter to the star saying: "Such a public health initiative taken by a charismatic
personality like you would go a long way in inspiring and protecting the youths of our country from
being addicted to the use of tobacco."
However, the BBC notes, since the actor is currently shooting a film in New York, it is unclear
whether he has actually stopped smoking.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005 15:47 IST