Bollywood actor Abhay Deol, who was last seen in his home production 'One By Two', has bagged his next film to be directed by cinematographer Sethu Sriram titled 'Snafu'.
According to The Times of India, Abhay Deol will play a corporate consultant in the film but his character will have elements of grey. He is said to be a suave consultant, who knows how to crack deals that involve big money.
Sethu Sriram of 'Wanted' and 'OMG Oh My God!' fame was keen on signing the actor for the role since he knew that Abhay could pull this off well. After many readings, reports are that Abhay is convinced and pretty charged up about the role.
However, the rest of the details of the film are yet to be finalized.
Thursday, June 26, 2014 15:45 IST