Deepika Padukone let fans click her candid pictures during her recent Barcelona holiday. Dippy was spotted with a few fans strolling around and shopping. However, not a single pic of the Happy New Year actor alongside her boyfriend Ranveer Singh has emerged on any of the blogs. The reason being Zoya Akhtar strict diktat to her team. The director of Dil Dhadakne Do has put an embargo on anyone clicking photos of Deepika with Ranveer.
The Ram Leela couple is still keeping their relationship under wraps. Hence they didn't want any of their photos coming out. So while Anushka Sharma and Priyanka posed together in a group photo with Ranveer there wasn't a single image of Deepika and Ranveer that made it to the internet.
A source reveals that while the couple was clicked on lunch and cofee dates there is a strict order on location to not click any pics with Ranveer and Deepika in the same frame! Guess, Ms Padukone should take cue from her ex-beau Ranbir Kapoor and his ladylove Katrina Kaif. After all pyar kiya toh darna kya, hai na BollywoodLifers?
Thursday, June 26, 2014 15:45 IST