The movie, which released in India Dec 23, 2009, was a blockbuster. It also featured Aamir Khan, Sharman Joshi, R. Madhavan and Kareena Kapoor. The film `3 Idiots`, which criticised the education system in India without being too preachy, released in Hong Kong in 2011. It also hit other Asian countries like Japan and China.
Monday, June 30, 2014 14:52 IST
Actor Boman Irani, who played professor Viru Sahastrabuddhe (Virus) in the 2009 hit film `3 Idiots`, says the movie is `a favourite` in places like Hong Kong.
He stayed at Hong Kong's Ritz Carlton hotel for a few days and was pleased to meet some of the fans of the Rajkumar Hirani-directorial.
`The housekeeping staff of the Ritz Carlton Hong Kong. Fans of 3 Idiots. A favourite in these parts. Bless you Raju,` Boman tweeted.
The movie, which released in India Dec 23, 2009, was a blockbuster. It also featured Aamir Khan, Sharman Joshi, R. Madhavan and Kareena Kapoor. The film `3 Idiots`, which criticised the education system in India without being too preachy, released in Hong Kong in 2011. It also hit other Asian countries like Japan and China.
The movie, which released in India Dec 23, 2009, was a blockbuster. It also featured Aamir Khan, Sharman Joshi, R. Madhavan and Kareena Kapoor. The film `3 Idiots`, which criticised the education system in India without being too preachy, released in Hong Kong in 2011. It also hit other Asian countries like Japan and China.