His movie stars newcomers Harshvardhan Kapoor, son of veteran actor Anil Kapoor, and Saiyami Kher, niece of Tanvi Azmi. To be shot in Rajasthan and Ladakh, the tragic love story is a modern take on the folklore.
Monday, June 30, 2014 14:52 IST
Filmmaker Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra has disclosed that he has now renamed his movie "Mirza Sahibaan" as "Mirziya".
"The film is now going to be called 'Mirziya'. Just like I made 'Bhaag Milkha Bhaag' inspired by the life of Milkha Singh, 'Mirziya' is only inspired by the folklore," Mehra told IANS exclusively.
He is here in Jammu and Kashmir as the patron of the Ladakh International Film Festival.
His movie stars newcomers Harshvardhan Kapoor, son of veteran actor Anil Kapoor, and Saiyami Kher, niece of Tanvi Azmi. To be shot in Rajasthan and Ladakh, the tragic love story is a modern take on the folklore.
His movie stars newcomers Harshvardhan Kapoor, son of veteran actor Anil Kapoor, and Saiyami Kher, niece of Tanvi Azmi. To be shot in Rajasthan and Ladakh, the tragic love story is a modern take on the folklore.