Kangana Ranaut will walk the ramp for veteran designer Anju Modi at the forthcoming edition of Shree Raj Mahal Jewellers India Couture Week 2014. The Bollywood actress and fashion icon has been chosen for her old world charm.
The six-day event, starting July 15, will be held at the Taj Palace Hotel here and Modi is going to showcase on day two.
`Kangana Ranaut is a fashion icon, who has transformed herself with every character she plays on screen, and every look she dresses in off screen. She is one of the few actors who carries herself effortlessly and with utmost grace,` the designer told IANS.
Modi is going to showcase a collection titled Manikarnika, depicting a woman of the past, reborn in the present. The designer believes Kangana is befitting as the showstopper for her line's theme.
`The underlying sense of old world charm that engulfs Kangana made her the perfect choice for me, especially with the theme of my collection Manikarnika, being about reincarnation and a revisitation of our cultural and design heritage.
`She personifies the woman of today, which is a central thought that translates through our efforts to contemporise ancient techniques. I'm most excited to see her close my show this year at the India Couture Week,` said Modi.
Sunday, July 13, 2014 13:33 IST