Nagesh Kukunoor has made a mark in Bollywood with his movies like Iqbal and Hyderabad Blues. He has strongly believed in writing original scripts and making honest movies. The latest and most promising is Atlanta Nagendra, whose debut Bollywood feature, Mumbhai Connection, releases in theaters across India on Aug 22nd.
Like Kukunoor, Nagendra is an engineer turned writer/director and has worked at some top IT companies in Atlanta. And while Kukunoor is originally from Hyderabad, Nagendra is from Bangalore. Must be something about the water there because Atlanta has been producing some strong desi talent.
Nagendra has already made a name for himself in the Kannada film industry with two movies that were blockbuster hits. Now he has set his sights on Bollywood. Mumbhai Connection hits the theaters after an acclaimed film festival run and award winnings, has a very interesting storyline and a catchy item number.
He hopes to make it big as his fellow competitor.
Thursday, July 17, 2014 15:03 IST