Bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai has opted out of Raj Kumar Santoshi's "Saamna", but is very much part of his other film "Prithviraj-Sanjukta".
"Dates," bemoans Santoshi, the self-confessed Aishwarya admirer.
"They're the culprits. Otherwise Aishwarya would've very much been a part of my next film "Saamna" which I start shooting in January," sighs Santoshi.
With Ash's choc-a-block dates taking her from Sanjay Gadhvi's "Dhoom 2" to J.P. Dutta's "Umrao Jaan" (which she's just gone to Rajasthan to shoot), there seems little
likelihood of her being free to do Santoshi's hard-hitting political drama, which stars Ajay Devgan, Akshay Kumar and Nana Patekar.
"I'll have to regretfully start looking for another leading lady in 'Saamna'. It will have to be someone of Aishwarya's stature. And that's not easy to find."
But Santoshi is sure to work with his favourite actress very shortly. "Aishwarya has a carte-blanche. She can tell me to start a film any time. I'll feature her in anything she
Hasn't he decided to drop her from his prestigious project "Prithviraj-Sanjuka"?
"Not true at all! Aishwarya is very much on for that project. The only thing is - would she want do one more costume drama after 'Umrao Jaan', 'Jodha-Akbar' and 'Jhansi Ki
"It's entirely up to her. But why are we talking about 'Prithviraj-Sanjukta' now? I don't intend to go into that project until 2008. I'd be delighted to have her in all my
The director is shocked that he has been quoted as saying Aishwarya is too old for the 'swayamvar' (a ceremony where a woman can chose a husband from amongst many
suitors) sequence in "Prithviraj-Sanjukta".
"I'd be the last person to talk like that. She is not only a dear friend, but also one of the most beautiful and finest actresses we have. There's nothing that she can't do. As of
now Aishwarya is my Sanjukta."
Tuesday, November 29, 2005 12:38 IST