It's been two years today since Bollywood came to a standstill as superstar Rajesh Khanna breathed his last at his Ashirwad Bunglow in Mumbai. Anita Advani, who was in a live-in-relationship with late superstar Rajesh Khanna misses him even today and in a candid conversation with The Times Of India, Anita speaks about the actor, his last days, his family and their love relationship. Life has changed for Anita and about the same, she said, "Absolutely, 360 degrees. I have moved from Aashirwad to a new house. It's been absolute trauma, mentally, emotionally and monetarily."
Anita also revealed that Rajesh Khanna was not attached to his family and preferred to be reserved. "He had no relationship with Akshay Kumar or anyone. It was only after 2011 when we performed Puja at our home, Twinkle and Akshay started coming home, but not regularly. It was after May 2012, when he fell ill, they started coming between regular timings," said Anita. She further elaborated about kaka's relation with his family. "He was not attached to his daughters or his wife Dimple. Rajesh Khanna discussed things with me, but he would not mention about his daughters or Dimple," added Anita.
Anita also spoke about Rajesh Khanna's bungalow Aashirwad and about her memories with the house. "Kakaji sold one of his Mud-Island property to renovate his Aashirwad bungalow. Rajesh Khanna and I sat with people, paid their bills and looked into each and everything about the changes in the bungalow. He was very particular about things and he used to like everything at its proper place. I feel bad that I was the only one with kakaji in his last days, but I was deprived of my right. He considered me as his wife. We were always together and spent some beautiful moments with him," said Anita.
On being asked about Rajesh Khanna as a person, Anita said, "I would say that it was difficult as well as a nice experience with Rajesh Khanna. As times I used to cry as he was a very difficult man, but for few moments I used to feel good as he used to make me feel so good about me. He had a style of his own and it was difficult to be without him. He used to be difficult after his drinks. I knew him and accepted things about him. I loved him as a person and took care of him." Anita candidly shared her experience about her favorite gift given by kaka. "He gifted me a mangalsutra, but he said like everyone I won't put that around your neck, but he made a bracelet for me. That's a very special gift given to me by kaka. Also, he applied sindur on my head and that's a special moment for me. He was such a nice person that I miss him every morning as he used to get tea for me," added Anita.
Monday, July 21, 2014 15:37 IST