This birthday, former beauty queen, Priyanka Chopra has much reason to celebrate. Even after much criticism over her Miss World final round answer where she almost made Mother Tereasa come alive, she not only won the crown but also fought every preconceived notions about beauty queens. PeeCee is a National Award-winning actress, an international recording artiste, a great social contributor and a fashion trendsetter. As she turns 32, let's look at some dips in her life which she fought like a tigress.
Arguably a game changer for Bollywood: She started with criticism again for her sleek and dark looks in her debut movie against Akshay Kumar. She took up the challenge of playing the seductress in her next and bagged all the accolades for her acting. After this, there was no looking back as she effortlessly played mixed performance-oriented films like Fashion and Barfi. She has also made the age-old demarcation between a hero and heroine redundant and one can easily describe her as a SHERO.
The nose job!
Just when the girl was touching heights in her Bollywood career, speculations arose about her looks and that she has undergone knife. Her nose and lips were under surveillance of the her fans. Criticisms rose. She handled! She did not gave any clarification but just concentrated on her work and finally the world had to give up because she looked gorgeous!
Monday, July 21, 2014 15:37 IST