Boney Kapoor and Sridevi's daughter Jhanvi Kapoor has been assisting her mum at all events, be it filmy parties or red carpet appearances. The next star kid to make it in Bollywood, it is reported that directors are already eager to work with the young star daughter. Jhanvi has been accompanying her mother everywhere and actress Sridevi has finally reacted to statements about her daughter being over exposed and constantly in the limelight. According to an interview in The Times of India, she was quoted saying, "I don't know why people are talking about her debut all the time. She is still very much studying.
I am the mother, who is supposed to be in this industry and I only don't know about this," she says. At a recent event, she defended her daughter's frequent presence by her side, saying, "I've come back to films after 15 years, so naturally, my daughters are excited and love to be with me. That doesn't mean I'm promoting her or grooming her. If I really wanted to do that, I wouldn't be exposing her like this. I would keep her at home and groom her, just like it is being written, and then introduce her to the world." While Sridevi may deny this fact, we think that Jhanvi has had more of the limelight that any young star kid her age.
Monday, July 21, 2014 15:37 IST